
Dvorak Part 2

Dvorak Part 2 Like many Canadians, I recently went home for Thanksgiving. Among the turkey, the home repairs, and the excitement of a new kitten, I got asked to do some general IT work for friends and family. Unfortunately, my nonstop use of the dvorak layout in the last 3 months has completely destroyed my ability to work on a QWERTY keyboard. For me, this is unacceptable. I need to be able to work on other people’s computers.

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Learning Dvorak About 2 weeks ago I started learning the dvorak keyboard layout. Below are my thoughts. Initial Motivations It seems most people learn dvorak to type faster. From what I had found on the internet, there isn’t much proof that an increase in typing speed is guaranteed. Thus, while I believe in being efficient with my tools, this wasn’t my incentive for learning this keyboard layout. Instead, I learned it because I’m at the start of what I hope will be a very long and successful career as a software engineer, and I want to limit the risk of repeated-use injuries.

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