What I'm doing in October 2022

A short update on everything that I'm working on right now

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Projects Projects Projects!

I’ve always got some projects on the go, and I thought I would provide some updates since many of these projects aren’t visible on github.

Current Projects

Running the UVIC CyberSecurity Club

This year the UVIC Cybersecurity club was started, and I’m currently our first VP Finance and Administration. On top of all the work keeping club finances in order, as well as the work for organizing events, I’m also learning a ton about cyber security so that I can teach new members these skills. I’ll be attending Canada’s Cyber Security Challenge on November 5th, 2022. I am looking forward to an in-person challenge!

I’m thinking about posting some of the write-ups from challenges I’ve done and some more clubs documentation, but that might be something I post other places.

Self-hosted Cloud Instance

I’ve flashed an old laptop with an Ubuntu Server image. I’ve used it for a myriad of things in the last year, from dev environments to rough drafts of this blog. The big thing that I’m using it for right now is my own nextcloud instance. Nextcloud is a replacement for google drive, and when I’m hosting it locked behind a VPN on my LAN, quite secure from attack. Right now, everything is currently working. I have posted the configuration, on my github here: https://github.com/Russell-Waterhouse/selfhost_nextcloud
There is also a README included to allow everyone to do this in just 2 steps.

Finishing my degree

And of course, I’m in my last semester of university. I’ve got to do midterms and assignments and projects and all of the other school stuff.

Projects on my roadmap

Soon I won’t be in school, and I have some plans for what to work on to ensure I continue learning.

Setting up my own email

Since I now own my own domain name (used for this blog), I’ll be creating email addresses with that.

Efficiency project

Everyone seems to have a different opinion on how to make an efficient web app. Do you use rust? Do you do microservices? Do you use a JAMSTACK? Do you use distributed systems?
In this project, I plan to put these methods to the test and see what is the most cost-efficient way to create an efficient web app.